Friday, 31 October 2014

Grade 4 November 3: More Scratch

This week, students will continue exploring in Scratch by modifying these starter projects:
  • Five Facts about Me
  • Teens at the Castle
  • Paint with Gobo
  • Animal Gobo
The first three projects are available from the Scratch Starter Project page while the last is my own creation.

Grade 3 November 3 - Scientific Method

This week, students will start preparing for the upcoming science fair by applying what we have done and the results we collected from our Graham Creek field trip to the scientific method.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Grade 4 October 27, 2014 - Back to Scratch

This week, students started using Scratch again, the block based computer programming language that had been introduced last year. Students started with existing Scratch projects and added more details: extra commands to make a Wizard perform more spells, and changing a Gobo hide and seek game to make is easier or harder. Some students also wrote their own original projects that allowed a player to try to guess a number between 1 and 100.

Grade 3 October 27, 2014 - Field Trip to Graham Creek

Today we went to Graham Creek to test the creek's water and participate in the World Water Monitoring Challenge. We measured the water's temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen content and pH. Next, we will analyze our data to see if Graham Creek is healthy.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Grade 4, October 20 Lesson Plan: Conditionals

This week, we will learn what a conditional is in computer science (an if ..., then... else clause.) We will practise using conditional statements with card games, with "Bee: Conditional" challenges, and if time permits, with Scratch Challenges.

Grade 3, October 20 Lesson Plan: World Water Monitoring Prep

Today, students are preparing for our field trip next week to Graham Creek, where we will be doing the World Water Monitoring Challenge. We will talk about temperature, pH, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen, the four indicators we will test. We will also learn about invasive species known to grow around Graham Creek. Finally, we will learn what type of clothing we need to wear on the field trip in order to stay warm.

Grade 3 aand 4, Lesson 5: More Loops (October 6, 2014)

This week, students practised finding and writing loops using paper activity sheets - no internet connection problems here! We then had a lot of fun using loops in our own Hopscotch programs, or some students continued to work on their challenges.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Using Blogger App on iPads

Today with the grade 2,3 and 4 classes we will be adding posts to our e-portfolios using the Blogger iPad App. 

Students will use their Google accounts to sign in.